Beth Frack is a composer and songwriter of children's music. For more than 30 years she has shared her talents across the nation. Her passion for music and her love for children are reflected in her memorable songs and energetic, lively performances. Beth has written hundreds of original children's songs, including six musicals that teach valuable lessons, like “Trouble In Paradise!” Her passion is to instill a love for music in children. Beth has taught in several Daycares and Preschools in the Winston Salem area and was the Artist in Residence, teaching music grades PreK to Fourth, at Forsyth Country Day School for 13 years. She currently teaches a Music Kids program to preschool children at Messiah Moravian Preschool and Annunciation Christian Academy. Eighteen years ago, Beth developed and still continues to lead two after-school choirs for children in our community, Jr. Beat for Kindergarten-First and Give Me The Beat for Second-Fourth Grades. She also teaches private piano and ukulele lessons. Beth was instrumental in launching her dream of a music camp for young children, Camp Oonie Koonie Cha! Camp OKC just celebrated its 21st year! In her spare time, Beth loves to spend time with her family and sings regularly with her grandchildren helping them to grow up loving music!
Beth’s motto: Music for fun—Music for life!